Tuesday, February 10, 2009

55 Degrees!!!!!!!! I am sure it will not last for long, but it is nice to see some green grass.

Yesterday, we had our taxes done. We will be getting money back from the IRS. It is "forced saving" account. We will use this money for our boat, camping fees, and other things around the house. We are still up in the air about a cruise next year. If we think we are going, then we need to set aside some $$$ this year.

Speaking of cruises, I have two friends cruising this week. A long time friend from the neighborhood is on Monarch OTS with his girlfriend and parents. Other friends leaves tomorrow for the Buckeye Cruise for Cancer aboard Grandeur OTS. The Buckeye cruise has about 20 former Buckeyes on the ship. It will be full of just Buckeye fans. The money raised on the cruise goes to the cancer research center at OSU. I would love to do something like that someday.

T is going to have a choice to make soon. She was called in to work at Edison today, but she was scheduled at Aultman. This is the third time in the last four days she has been called by Perry. She was already working at Reedurban and other schools called her. I would love for her to leave the hospital and work at the school. Hopefully, she will get hired by a school in the fall.


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