Thursday, November 30, 2006

Winter starts tomorrow, but the preview is tonight. The temp has been in the 60's all week, until shortly after 3pm today. The temp is dropping and the wind is picking up. The forcast includes thunderstorms, rain, ice and snow over the next 48 hours.'

The state football finals start tomorrow. There are 3 games tomorrow and 3 games Saturday. The change in weather will effect how the games are played. I will be at all 6 games. I will be able to rub it in Big Keith face that I went to all games while he was off picking up a door in Amish country.

We went out to the Olive Garden tonight. We had some gift cards to use and T did not want to cook dinner. She will be cooking chilli tomorrow for me. I will grab a bit to eat between games. I might need dry clothes as well.

It was a tough week for my brother and brother in law. Both spent time at Aultman. Jeff went to ER with a heart thing. Its wasnt a heart attck but he should see Dr. Rowley often to get checked out. Tim had a blood clot in his lungs. He is now out, but got a 3 day stay at Hotel Aultman.

B went to her first othodonist appointment today. She will go back in 6 months. They dont seem to be in a rush to do anything to her mouth yet. I cant relate to any of this because I never had braces.

Til next month.....See you down by the Bayou.

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